Anne and I were having dinner last winter in Woodbury, MN when she let me in on the little secret that she was pregnant with her 2nd beautiful baby. Oh my gosh, do I love being told news like this from people that I love. Before I knew it, 9 months had gone by & I was in their lovely home, capturing Natalie’s newborn photos. As pretty as her Mama, Natalie was a sweetheart for her session, giving me just a enough spice to keep me on my toes and work a little extra hard. A special moment occurred when Anne revealed her gorgeous wedding gown. I had photographed their wedding 5 years previous, so it was something else to now document their newborn daughter against the intricate lace and tulle. Creating relationships and watching families grow is why I love this business. Steve, Anne, Jack and Natalie will always stay near and dear to my heart: